Yee Haw!!

Rumour has it there's a big party coming up… Who wouldn't wanted to be invited to this rich ride with a fun invite like this one? 

Hot off the press from Kallen Printing, the envelope and ticket folder were printed on Classic Crest Stipple finish, resulting in a luscious tactile effect that looks and feels like leather! In contrast, the "flask" invitation was printed on a Gloss Cover stock to mimic stainless steel.

Designed by DeAnne Bedier Design. Copywriting by Pony Friday. 

Vault Photo Mag

The premiere edition of Vault Photo Mag is complete… Featuring luscious imagery from international photographers and a few of our own talented locals: Jeremy Fokkens, Jeff Cruz, George Webber and Dan Bannister.

This beautiful photographic journal features coated, uncoated and cream paper. It also has an unusual angle cut cover printed on Classic Crest "Stipple" and a clear mylar cover sheet.

Publisher: Kurtis Martyn, Creative Director: Kelly Hartman, Printing: Kallen Printing. Available for purchase online or at Shelf Life Books.

Did you Know…?

- Adverse health effects from producing an e-reader are 70 times worse than producing a book.

- Printing is the only medium with a one-time carbon footprint—all other media require energy every time they are viewed.

- The primary raw material for paper is trees, which are a renewable resource. The trees in North America used for paper production come from well-managed forests or farms.

Get more facts in this interesting little pdf 

Flip Book